the go-to place for news, updates, resources, and ideas

Significant strides forward have been made for Wisconsin’s creative sector and the residents of the state, and there’s still so much to be done. Advocacy is a fluid process and things can change quickly, so check back frequently and get in touch with Create Wisconsin with your questions and comments.

  • Talking points (including Facts and Figures)

  • Legislative Agenda 2025

  • What can you do as an advocate? Plenty!

  • Dates to note:

    • Speak up for the arts, culture, and creativity at these important gatherings:

    • April:  Joint Finance Committee hearings on the budget, and other legislative hearings

    • April-May:  Legislature reviews and votes on the budget

    • By June 30:  Gov. Evers signs the budget into law. Make sure you personalize your message with examples from your community.

  • In addition to sending a message, you can also:

    • Invite decision-makers on all levels to see your work up close. Feature these representatives at a meeting, performance, exhibit event, etc.

    • Ask representatives to write an op-ed about the importance of creative economy investment for a newsletter or social media.

    • Watch for news about advocacy updates and training , in-person and Zoom meetings with legislators, legislative hearings, op-ed templates, template messages, and many other ways to make the case that investment in creativity is a win for Wisconsin. 

  • State Budget Process Timeline:

    • September 2024: State agencies provide their budget requests to the governor through the Department of Administration.  The governor reviews the requests.

    • February 18, 2025: The governor proposes the executive biennial budget. 

    • March 2025: The governor releases capital budget.  The capital budget allocates money for the creation, acquisition, or maintenance of fixed assets such as land, buildings, and equipment.

    • April – May 2025: The legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance (JFC) holds hearings and modifies the governor’s biennial budget and capital budget.  

    • Create Wisconsin will organize testimony at JFC hearings around the state, and in-district meetings with legislators, March-June 2025.

    • June 2025: Assembly and Senate act/vote on the budget.

    • June 2025: Governor signs budgets; issues vetoes. The 2025-2027 state biennial budget should be in place at the beginning of the new fiscal year, which begins July 1, 2025.  There have been times when the budget process has gone well beyond July 1.  It is important to note that state government does not shut down like the federal government.  State agencies continue using the previous year’s budget numbers until the new budget is in place.

  • Resources: