Arts & Creativity in Education
State Data Infrastructure Project for Arts Education
A suite of groundbreaking tools and resources and case studies to help stakeholders extract, analyze, and report on data about arts education.
Arts Education Data Toolkit Webinar
An overview of the toolkit by Arts Endowment Arts Education staff in partnership with the Education Commission of the States.
Professional Development Institute for State Arts Agency Arts Education Managers
Meaningful leadership development and technical assistance.
State Education Agencies Directors of Arts Education
An annual leadership grant supporting professional development for state education agency directors of arts education.
Preparing Students for the Next America: The Benefits of an Arts Education
A snapshot of how the arts support achievement in school, bolster skills demanded of a 21st-century workforce and enrich the lives of young people and communities.
Research and resources on arts education
Collected by National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA)
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSR Fund)
The Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act included $13.2 billion for the ESSR Fund to State educational agencies (SEAs) for the purpose of providing local educational agencies (LEAs), with funds to address the impact of COVID-19.
WI Service Agencies
Alliance for Wisconsin Theatre Education
Committed to promoting comprehensive theatre education in Wisconsin.
Milwaukee – promoting arts education in the Milwaukee school district. The website includes a handbook, advocacy links, and educational resources for artists and teachers.
Wisconsin Art Education Association
Promotes excellence in visual and design art education for all students.
Serves as an advocate for dance education in our schools.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Wisconsin Music Educators Association
Professional development and advocacy for music educators
Wisconsin School Music Association (WSMA)
A leader in providing programs and services that challenge youth to achieve excellence through music.
National Service Agencies
American Alliance for Theatre & Education
A website filled with resources and information about events.
Americans for the Arts: Arts Education Network
An easy-to-use e-advocacy center, information about their public awareness campaign “The Arts. Ask for More,” and art education research.
Information about forums and an easy-to-understand state policy database.
National Art Education Association
Easy to use advocacy information and research.
National Association for Music Education
Resources for every aspect of school music education, including a “Grab and Go Advocacy” flyer
National Association of Music Merchandisers (NAMM) Foundation
Advancing active participation in music making across the lifespan by supporting scientific research, philanthropic giving and public service programs
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
Arts education resources can be found under “Publications.”
National Guild for Community Arts Education
Resources, as well as information about advocacy actions
Facts, quotations, and an idea bank targeted towards saving your school music program.
Provides tools and resources to advance community support for music education.