Ruth Foundation for the Arts awards a RDK Legacy Fund grant to Create Wisconsin

On November 18, the Ruth Foundation for the Arts announced the 140 arts organizations which received one of their Fall 2022 grants, inspired by how artists live, make, and are remembered. Create Wisconsin is honored to be recognized among the recipients.

Supported by the late Ruth DeYoung Kohler II, Ruth Arts provides funding to nonprofit arts organizations nationwide. The newly founded Ruth Arts introduced two new grants, as well as the Ruth DeYoung Kohler (RDK) Legacy Fund this year, which honors and continues Ruth DeYoung Kohler’s steadfast support of regional and craft-based organizations and artist-built environments. The Fund will provide $2.5 million annually across 40 organizations historically supported by Ruth DeYoung Kohler II.

Create Wisconsin is one of only three Wisconsin statewide organizations to receive a RDK Legacy Fund grant.

“We’re proud to honor Ruth’s lifelong commitment to the arts by continuing to fund the organizations she personally supported, and to develop new programs in her spirit of experimentation and community-building,” says Karen Patterson, Executive Director of Ruth Arts.

“Create Wisconsin brings people together through creative experiences, grows partnerships and collaborations, and promotes public-private investment to strengthen Wisconsin’s creative economy, workforce, and communities.  Ruth was a dear colleague and a visionary leader. This support is guided by her creative spirit,” says Mal Montoya, Board President of Create Wisconsin.

Go to the Ruth Arts website and the 11/18/22 press release for more information.


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