Create Wisconsin Day
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Overture Center for the Arts, 201 State Street, Madison
Connecting Leaders, Legislators, and Creatives Across Wisconsin
Create Wisconsin Day is a moment to celebrate creative people, organizations, businesses, and communities across Wisconsin. Uniting leaders, community members, and legislators, is a critical component in strengthen the state’s creative future.
Join us for a day of celebration and advocacy, featuring national and state keynote speakers from Create Wisconsin, performances, and our Create Wisconsin Day Artist in Residence and a "Wall of Ideas" to elevate everyone's inherent creativity.
We’re thrilled to announce our featured presenters:
Keynote speaker: Randy Cohen, Vice President of Research and Policy, Americans for the Arts
Artist in Residence: Stephon “Kiba” Freeman, muralist and creative entrepreneur, Stevens Point
City of Madison Youth Poet Laureate: Justin Festge Russell
We are all creative, and we all contribute to Wisconsin's creative future. The status quo can change with your good work and advocacy.
Create Wisconsin Day 2025 Agenda
For information on Create Wisconsin’s 2025 Legislative Agenda & action steps, visit the Legislative Action Center
8:00 am — Doors open, continental breakfast available
9:15 am — Legislative Breakfast program
Welcome and Create Wisconsin Day overview with Carolyn Nelson-Kavajecz, Board President, Create Wisconsin
Poetry Reading with City of Madison Youth Poet Laureate Justin Festge Russell
Create Wisconsin Legislative Agenda with Anne Katz, Director, Create Wisconsin
Welcome and update from Wisconsin Arts Board Board member Marcela “Xela” Garcia, Milwaukee
Welcome from Rep. Todd Novak (R-Dodgeville), on the Rural Creative Economy Development Program
Welcome from Christine Hojnacki, Director, Imagine MKE, on Action WI! and the establishment of film incentives and a state film office
Keynote speaker: Randy Cohen, Vice President of Research and Policy, Americans for the Arts
Closing remarks, Anne Katz and Carolyn Nelson-Kavajecz
10:30 am - 12:30 pm — Legislative visits at the State Capitol
10:30 am - 12:30 pm — Roundtable discussions, including:
What does public art look like in your community (and what can it look like)?
Leadership and community engagement from the ground up
What does AI mean for the arts and creative economy?
Finding Our Voices Through the Arts, with young leaders from Milwaukee Rep Teen Council, Artstart Milwaukee, and UW-Stevens Point Arts Management Program
Wisconsin’s film industry and legislation
Open space - what do you want to talk about?
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm — Networking Lunch
1:30 - 2:30 pm — Meeting of rural arts and community leaders: This is a networking and information-sharing event with Create Wisconsin and WEDC's Office of Rural Prosperity (ORP), bringing together rural leaders in the worlds of small town and rural arts, community, and business. Create Wisconsin will discuss its Regional Leader Network and plans for regional development and engagement, and ORP will discuss its creative economy "Community of Practice," which is strengthening Wisconsin's rural creative economy infrastructure. All are welcome!
Thanks to our Advocacy Partners…
SW Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
Eagle River Revitalization
Lafayette County Economic Development Association
Green County Economic Development Association
Langlade County Economic Development Association
Washburn Chamber of Commerce
Waupaca Area Visitors and Convention Bureau
… and to our generous Sponsors and Donors
Heid Music, Appleton, Green Bay, Madison, Marshfield, Oshkosh, Stevens Point
Andrea B. Bryant, Waukesha
Heil Family Foundation, Milwaukee
Carol and Dean Schroeder, Madison
Tina and Grant Abert, Madison
Tim and Pat Size, Madison
Contact Create Wisconsin with questions, comments, and ideas.